Our care & support
Alle Leistungen, welche die Hebamme während der Schwangerschaft, bei der Geburt und im Wochenbett erbringt, werden von den gesetzlichen Krankenkassen übernommen.
Bei privat versicherten Frauen rechnet die Hebamme direkt mit der Frau entsprechend der privaten Hebammengebührenverordnung des jeweiligen Bundeslandes ab. Es empfiehlt sich grundsätzlich, die Kostenübernahme durch die private Krankenversicherung vor dem ersten Hebammenkontakt zu klären.
Prenatal care

Every pregnant woman that is insured, has the right to claim for prenatal examinations by a midwife and/or doctor during pregnancy. This is ensured under the act of SGB, § 24d, part 1.
As a pregnant woman, you have the right to decide, whether you wish for prenatal care from your doctor and your midwife or if you wish for care from only one of the two.
If there are no signs of a complicated birth/ high risk pregnancy and the pregnant woman is in good health, I am able to perform nearly all prenatal examinations that are referred to in the mother pass. I adhere to the valid version of the maternity guidelines for all my examinations. This includes measuring the growth and position of the child aswell as determining heart rate, blood and urine examination with regards to certain infections and diagnosing pregnancy diabetes.
Only the three ultrasonic examinations/appointments which are suggested in the mother pass are examinations which are not generally offered by midwives.
From my experience, a coordinated pregnancy care approach by midwife and doctor can be very helpful and I would recommend this approach for anyone having difficulty finding their own ways to prepare.
All examinations before and after birth are settled directly with your insurance under the German NHS for mandatory insurance members.
If you are a privately insured, I will settle all payments with you personally.
In an introductory appointment I will inform you of my work and what my individual care is comprised of and together we can discuss which care concept would benefit you most.
Assistance with pregnancy complaints
Pains in your lower abdomen, iron-deficiency, heartburn are just some examples from a long list of complaints which can arise during pregnancy. Some women are affected more or less intense by different symptoms.
During the midwife’s consultation, the midwife can determine whether the complaints need the attention of a general physician and can recommend which further steps should be taken.
Most of the complaints tend to be normal, pregnancy related complaints which occur due to the physical strain the body is under during pregnancy. Midwives have a profound knowledge of all these related symptoms and how to treat them or at least know how to soothe the discomfort.

Postnatal care

After birth the midwives visit you at home. Our main focus in this time is the well-being of your child, it’s development and the healing progress of any birth related injuries, for example the separation point of the placenta (placenta abruption). I take all the time needed to answer your questions and assess which examinations (if any) can be recommended. There is never a one-way treatment.
There is no fixed timeline for how long I come to visit you after birth. This depends entirely on your needs. As a rule, I visit every day during the first week after birth (sometimes twice a day). In the second week every other day and in the third week, every three days until you are „satisfied“
You are legally entitled to a midwife’s council concerning you child’s nutrition for the first year of life.
Feeding and nutritional consultation
Breast-feeding; yes or no?
Formula milk bottle-feeding; if so, which formula?
Industrial Baby food, self-made baby food or completely abstain from baby foods?
Commonly, the nutritional aspect of the child’s development is correlated with its sleep habits. Many mothers that breast-feed complain about the nightly feeding times and their exhaustion the day after and want to change this habit.
When to feed, how to feed and what to feed.
There are an infinite number of questions and insecurities related to feeding your baby or infant. During the whole first year after birth, you are entitled to nutritional consultation from your midwife.
In an appointment we will discuss how to modify certain habits related to feeding and in general. In many cases, it takes just a little change in (daily routine) habits to ensure your family is content and well-rested.

Assistance through bereavement

Only few people know that women are entitled to consultation by a midwife at home for up to one year after a miscarriage. This means that any woman either during or after the birthing process can be assisted by a midwife in their home surroundings. A miscarriage does not have to be supervised in a hospital or clinic and does not necessarily mean having to clean out the uterus.
Women and couples often choose a midwife’s support at home as they wish for medical support whilst being in their home-surroundings during their time of grief.
A situation can arise, during or after the miscarriage, which requires further medical attention. Your midwife will arrange any necessary transports to clinics or doctors. In most cases though, the women or couples can stay at home to grieve and cope in their own time and in their own way.
Amongst others, counselling after the birth entails postpartum recovery class, checking and regulating any after-birth bleeding, postpartum recovery exercises and of course any support in grieving for losing a child.
Erste Kontaktaufnahme mit der Hebamme
Bitte bringen Sie zu dem Erstgespräch Ihre Versichertenkarte und Ihren Mutterpass mit.
Jede gesetzlich versicherte Schwangere hat einen Anspruch darauf, eine Hebamme in der Schwangerschaft kennenzulernen. In diesem sogenannten Erstgespräch erhebt die Hebamme die persönlichen Daten der Schwangeren und notiert diese in ihrer elektronischen Akte. Darüber hinaus verschafft sie sich einen Überblick über den bisherigen Schwangerschaftsverlauf, indem sie sich den Mutterpass besieht und eine Anamnese erhebt. Dies dient dazu, mögliche Besonderheiten im weiteren Schwangerschaftsverlauf zu erkennen und die Zeit des Wochenbettes gut vorzubereiten.
Darüber hinaus stellt die Hebamme ihren Behandlungsvertrag der Schwangeren vor. Dieser beschreibt die Arbeitsweise der Hebamme, wie zum Beispiel ihr Angebot, ihre Erreichbarkeit, Urlaubszeiten, usw..
Wichtig zu wissen: dieses Erstgespräch kann eine Schwangere nur einmal in ihrer Schwangerschaft in Anspruch nehmen. Hat eine Schwangere bereits eine Hebamme in dieser Schwangerschaft kennengelernt, kann eine zweite Hebamme kein Erstgespräch mehr mit der Krankenkasse abrechnen und muss der Schwangeren dieses Gespräch in Rechnung stellen (76,62€, Stand: 09/2022).
Privatversicherte Schwangere klären bitte vorab die Übernahme von Hebammenleistungen vor der ersten Kontaktaufnahme mit der Hebamme.
Wir bilden aus. Das bedeutet, dass zukünftige Hebammen, die das Fach Hebammenwissenschaften studieren, einzelne Praxismodule in unserer Praxis absolvieren. Für unser Team ist dies eine große Freunde, da die Studierenden mit einer großen Offenheit und Neugierde den Hebammenberuf erlernen und mit sehr viel Feingefühl und Respekt sich „unseren“ Familien gegenüber zeigen. Aus organisatorischen Gründen kann eine Hebammenbetreuung daher nur mit dem Einverständnis der Studierendenteilnahme in Anspruch genommen werden.
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